What are customers say about us.
Eagle Tool,
I was recently doing repairs on a very expensive pumping unit, and I needed to raise unit slightly for reassembly. I used the Winbag and was able to raise the unit to the appropriate height and hold it there while I assembled the unit. Great product, check out the photo and you can see the Winbag in action! It made my job so much easier, thanks Eagle Tool for such a great product!
Thank you for a great product very useful in unusual situations we use it for all kinds of different things now that we have some.

To Eagle Tool
I just wanted to write you a note telling you how your Flex-Bit worked for me. We had a little different application. We are building a Hydro Electric plant in Hawesville KY. Hydro Plants have what is called a draft tube which helps accelerate water on the way out of the power house. So the form work is designed and built in cylinder shape. With massive pours the form work was huge and being on a radius made drilling tie holes in place a necessity. Some locations we were drilling 6 ft through the form work at an angle because of the radius. However do to the design of the tip of your bit it had no problem getting started drilling the hole. I had already tried several other types of bits when I found yours and I’m pleased to tell you it was awesome. It stayed sharp for many holes no problems with points or the shafts Worked out very well.
Thank you for a great product very useful in unusual situations we use it for all kinds of different things now that we have some.
Great! Stated it was made in the USA. Drilled no problem through double plates, flexes in tight spots, bites where you put it, flexes without breaking (backoff and go forward again). Really got me out of some tight spots through the attic to get down to the plates due to a vaulted cieling (needed to get a bit down a tight gap to a double plate).
Appears well made and "bites" into the wood for an accurate location. Shaft is firm but flexible and not at all flimsy. Great long bit at a very reasonable price when you need a bit of this type to use occasionally.
Great bit, great price. Fortunately, I was not in a rush and did not have to resort to buying a more expensive or inferior bit at a big box store. This flex bit did the simple job I needed (just drilled one hole through a floor down through the basement).
Every product that they sell is Made in the USA, and that is a fact that they are very proud of. From start to finish, each product is manufactured in the US. Much of the process is done in the state of Illinois, where Eagle Tool US is located. They use only steel mined in America and 90% of the production process is done in house. The only part of production outsourced is the heat treatment, powder coating, and blackening, yet even that is carefully controlled to ensure it is done in the US.
The Eagle Tool US Switch Bit line of cable bits pairs interchangeable cable bit heads with different shaft lengths. With just an Allen wrench required to change heads, it takes about the 30 seconds to swap them out. By working in this fashion, a full set of professional cable bits from Eagle Tool US will save about $230 over buying a full set of traditional bits.
The Eagle Tools US Flexible Dirt Auger eliminates the need to use a water jet or hydraulic hammering tool to auger under sidewalks and driveways. Part of the interchangeable Switch Bit System, the Flexible Dirt Auger saves time, money, and potential damage to the concrete.
Contact Us
Phone: 815-459-4177
Fax: 815-459-4178
Colleen York -
Eagle Tool US
4014 NW Hwy
Crystal Lake, IL 60014